Sunday, January 4, 2009

An interesting week.....

Well, this past Saturday, December 27th, I moved out of my apartment in Hoover, AL. I'll be starting my job this week, the lease was up and I'll be wanting to move a little closer to Prattville. Thankfully, a friend is letting me camp out at her house off of Crestwood Boulevard. Once I start working, I'll stay with some family in Montgomery during the week until I find a new place to live. 
So here's the run down on the past cell phone died on Monday night so I lost all of my Birmingham numbers, got a new phone in the mail on Wednesday morning, went to the McWane center for the first time and got in free (YAY), ate at Urban Standard and loved the Brunswick Stew, rented and watched a lot of new movies, went to an awesome New Year's Eve party, enjoyed time hanging out, had my car break down, had the help of some awesome friends, watched the Alabama game with some CRAZY Alabama fans, ran lots of errands, went to Highlands and heard a message from Craig Groeschel, spent time with amazing friends, and learned so many amazing lessons from the Lord.

I know that is a super short version of the week but there will be more to come about the amazing lessons God has taught me. Great week coming up. Time to start the big girl job!!!!!

Until next time-

1 comment:

Amanda Johnigan said...

Ok. You know you can come and stay in my chaos anyday!