Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day #1

Today is Day #1 of a 21 day Fast for me. I am fasting along with over 1,000 churches across the world. Check out I am SOOOOO excited about this time in my life. I've decided on several specific things to fast from. I have also written down some specific things that I am believing God for during these 21 days. I know He is going to rock my world and I'm so pumped about that, it's just not even funny!!!!! One of my goals during this fast is to read through the Psalms. I wanted to pick a section of the Bible that I could completely focus on during these days. I'm thrilled to see the new things that God shares with me during these days.

Please be in prayer during this time and Please pray about joining in. I can't tell you all of the incredible things the Lord has taught during times that I have prayed and fasted.

Lord, During these 21 days and I sit and wait for you to speak. Show up and show yourself HUGE. I want to draw near to you during these days. I love you so much!!

Until next time-

P.S. Please let me know specific things I can be praying about for you. E-mail me: or text me: 985-517-1319. It would be my HONOR!

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