Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day #7...a road trip and tiramisu

On Saturday, Rachel and I woke up and headed to morning prayer at Highlands before getting on the road to South Carolina. Prayer was incredible. It's amazing to see how many people are calling upon the name of the Lord and seeking his face. It was an excellent time. Rachel and I set out on the road about 10:15 or so. We were in light rain for the entire trip but it didn't steal our joy! We arrived safely and rested for a bit before heading to a local Italian restaurant for dinner. The hotel clerk recommended it. The atmosphere was incredible and we enjoyed an amazing meal. We even got free Tiramisu, which was funny because we are both fasting sweets. We decided to see it as a gift from God rather than as a temptation from satan. We ate it and it was wonderful. After a bit of random shopping, we headed back to the hotel where we just enjoyed some downtime and more excellent conversation before bed. God blessed us with an incredible day.

Until next time-

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