Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day #4...A pedicure and conviction

Day number four is a juice and water only day and let me just say....OMG! The Lord has definitely been my sustainer because a few times I have felt like I might just fall over!

Today was a good day at work. I was excited because on the way to work this morning the Lord reminded me of something that could potentially pull us closer together as a therapy team. Everyone on the team gets a bucket for their desks and then there are numerous copies made of a raindrop template. The raindrops are written on when someone on the team feels the need/desire to encourage, thank, bless someone else on the team and then the raindrop is placed in the bucket on that person's desk. The idea is that it's just a 'drop in the bucket' but that it can obviously make an impact on someone's day. I'm excited about it. You know how I feel about encouragement!!

After work today, I treated myself to a pedicure. I don't usually get pedicures during the winter but I just wanted one today. The place was empty and I was completely relaxed. It was such a blessing.

Tonight is Wednesday night Bible study at church. I haven't been going for the last several months for various reasons. However, the Lord just spoke to me on Sunday and sweetly convicted me about it. I realized how much I have potentially missed out on because I haven't been a part of that fellowship and teaching. I'm excited to hear from the Lord tonight.

As a side note, I'm going on a road trip this weekend with my dear friend and accountability partner, Rachel. We are going to drive to Anderson, SC on Saturday and spend the night and attend NewSpring church on Sunday. We have both been blessed by their ministry and have talked about going to visit in past months. The perfect time presented itself and so...we go! I'm sure there will be pictures and good stories to tell.

Until next time-

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