Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day #3...locked out

Let me just say....Wow, again. Just when I think it cannot get any better. God proves me wrong and I'm grateful that He does. I spent some good time with the Lord this morning in the car and the Lord is just allowing joy to overflow from my heart. It's insane!!!

This morning, I went to see one of the new patients we have and I was giving her a test. One of the questions we ask is "What was the first thing you did this morning?". Her response was "I tried to pray a little bit. It just helps so much!". Wow, God. Thank you for confirming your presence in my life again and again and again.

I just had a day that was blessed beyond measure with several amazing phone conversations and face to face conversations that were challenging and thrilling at the same time. Old friends, new friends, exciting things going on in the lives of people I care about.

As an aside, my roommate left tonight to go to class and I told her to leave the door open for some company that I had coming over. My company came and went and I went to my room to chill and was talking on the phone. All of a sudden, I hear this loud banging noise that seems almost frantic. It was sort of surreal almost like a dream. Then, all of a sudden it hit me! It was my roommate banging on the door!!! Turns out she left her key at the apartment thinking she didn't need it because I told her to leave the door unlocked. I was frantic when I realized it was her and I immediately started hugging her once I opened the door! Thankfully, she had only been outside for a few minutes because it was freezing! We had a good laugh on that one. Interesting way to top off day#3.

Thank you, Jesus, for your divine hand of provision in my life. Thank you that you are never early, never late but always right on time. I am blessed beyond measure.

Until next time-

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